members of Kostenstelle 23892:

Title First name Last name
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Room Phone
(bold: ETH-internal)
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Institute Phone list
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Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Jonathan Home HPF E 8/10 +41 44 63 33166 IQE
Mirjam Bruttin HPF E 8/10 +41 44 63 32295 mirjam.brutti.. IQE
Wojciech Adamczyk HPF E 22 +41 44 63 33143 wadamczyk@phy.. IQE
Gillenhaal Beck HPF E 16.1 +41 44 63 32075 beckgi@phys.e.. IQE
Tanja Behrle HPF E 14 +41 44 63 32329 tbehrle@phys... IQE
Florence Berterottière HPF E 17 +41 44 63 33639 fberterottie@.. IQE
Edgar Brucke HPF E 22 +41 44 63 30953 ebrucke@phys... IQE
Yingying Cui HPF E 23 +41 44 63 32814 yincui@phys.e.. IQE
Alexander Ferk HPF E 23 +41 44 63 32331 alferk@phys.e.. IQE
Dr. Jeremy Flannery HPF E 14 +41 44 63 32689 jflannery@phy.. IQE
Moritz Fontboté Schmidt HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 33465 moritzfo@phys.. IQE
Gabriele Giuli HPF E 16.1 +41 44 63 33240 ggiuli@phys.e.. IQE
Dr. Henrik Hirzler HPF E 23 +41 44 63 33791 hhirzler@phys.. IQE
David Holzapfel HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 37679 dholzapfel@ph.. IQE
Dr. Pavel Hrmo HPF E 14 +41 44 63 32689 pahrmo@phys.e.. IQE
Luca Huber HPF E 22 +41 44 63 32128 huberl@phys.e.. IQE
Dr. Daniel Kienzler HPF E 8/10 +41 44 63 33745 daniel.kienzl.. IQE
Silvan Koch HPF E 23 +41 44 63 32772 silkoch@phys... IQE
Philip Leindecker HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 33465 pleindecker@p.. IQE
Dr. Matteo Mazzanti HPF E 22 +41 44 63 33143 mmazzanti@phy.. IQE
Dr. Jeremy Metzner HPF E 22 +41 44 63 30953 jmetzne@phys... IQE
Luka Milanovic HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 33465 IQE
Dr. Claudia Politi HPF E 17 +41 44 63 33368 cpoliti@phys... IQE
Dr. Diana Prado Lopes Aude Craik HPF E 17 +41 44 63 32529 dcraik@phys.e.. IQE
Dr. Florentin Reiter HPF E 16.1 +41 44 63 32075 freiter@phys... IQE
Alfredo Ricci Vasquez HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 37679 aricci@phys.e.. IQE
Ivan Rojkov HPF E 23 +41 44 63 33791 irojkov@phys... IQE
Tobias Sägesser HPF E 14 +41 44 63 39465 tobiass@phys... IQE
Dr. Fabian Schmid HPF E 17 +41 44 63 36645 schmidfab@phy.. IQE
Dr. Nick Schwegler HPF E 14 +41 44 63 32329 IQE
Matteo Simoni HPF E 17 +41 44 63 33368 masimoni@phys.. IQE
Martin Stadler HPF E 17 +41 44 63 36645 mastadle@phys.. IQE
Paul Venetz HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 33465 pvenetz@phys... IQE
Elias Zapusek HPF E 17 +41 44 63 33639 zapuseke@phys.. IQE
Technical staff
Peter Clements (Gruppe Prof. Dr. J. Home) HPF G 7 +41 44 63 34176 clepeter@phys.. IQE
Bahadir Dönmez HPF E 16.1 +41 44 63 33123 doenmezbe@phy.. IQE
Michael Marti HPF E 16.4 +41 44 63 33465 micmarti@phys.. IQE
Mose Müller HPF E 22 +41 44 63 30953 mosmuell@phys.. IQE
Michael Nydegger HPF E 22 +41 44 63 30953 michaeny@phys.. IQE
Additional rooms
Labor HPF B 104 +41 44 63 39364
Labor HPF B 108 +41 44 63 39314
Labor HPF B 108 / 2 +41 44 63 39344
Labor HPF B 25 +41 44 63 30621
Labor HPF B20 +41 44 63 33536
Labor HPF F 24 +41 44 63 32257
Phone numbers marked with * indicate a pager (PSA).