members of Kostenstelle 23371:

Title First name Last name
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Room Phone
(bold: ETH-internal)
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Institute Phone list
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Karlo Lajtner HPT E 10 IQE
Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Ursula Keller HPT E 16.2 +41 44 63 32146 keller@phys.e.. IQE
Sandra Schmid HPT E 16.2 +41 44 63 32400 sandra.schmid.. IQE
Dr. Carolin Bauer HPT E 16.3 +41 44 63 34074 cabauer@phys... IQE
Dr. Fabian Brunner HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 36868 fabrunner@phy.. IQE
Florence Burri HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 37136 flburri@phys... IQE
Sandro Camenzind HPT E 16.2 +41 44 63 38112 casandro@phys.. IQE
Dr. Marco Gaulke HPT E 16.3 +41 44 63 32752 gaulkem@phys... IQE
Nicolas Huwyler HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 34061 nhuwyler@phys.. IQE
Dr. Lukas Lang HPT E 10 +41 44 63 33578 IQE
Dr. Sergej Neb HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 32979 sneb@phys.eth.. IQE
Alexander Nussbaum-Lapping HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 32161 nussbaua@phys.. IQE
Dr. Justinas Pupeikis HPT E 10 +41 44 63 33407 pupeikis@phys.. IQE
Maximilian Schuchter HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 39146 mschucht@phys.. IQE
Moritz Seidel HPT E 5.2 +41 44 63 37024 seidelm@phys... IQE
Dr. Benjamin Willenberg HPT E 10 +41 44 63 34170 bwillenb@phys.. IQE
Technical staff
Dr. Matthias Golling HPT E 16.3 +41 44 63 34489 golling@phys... IQE
Thomas Schnider HPT E 10 tschnider@eth.. IQE
Additional rooms
MBE First HCI +41 44 63 34613
Werkstatt mit Prof. Pescia HPT C 6.1
Labor (High RepRate 1) HPT D 20.1 +41 44 63 32493
Labor (VECSEL) HPT D 20.2 +41 44 63 32365
Gruppenraum HPT E 13 +41 44 63 34183
Labor (High Power) HPT E 14/15 +41 44 63 34136
Labor (SESAM Characterization) HPT E 16.1 +41 44 63 36823
Chemielabor HPT E 17 +41 44 63 36824
Labor (Atto Science) HPT E 6 +41 44 63 32145
Labor (High Field) HPT E 8 +41 44 63 33278
Labor (Reaction Microscope) HPT E 9 +41 44 63 32736
Phone numbers marked with * indicate a pager (PSA).