members of Kostenstelle 3855:

Title First name Last name
(click for details)
Room Phone
(bold: ETH-internal)
(click to send mail)
Institute Phone list
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Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Andrey Zheludev HPF F 20 +41 79 674 79 39 FKP
Alexandra Walby HPF F 13 +41 44 63 33734 awalby@phys.e.. FKP
Prof. Dr. Bertram Batlogg HPF F 22 +41 44 63 32248 batlogg@phys... FKP
Daniel Flavián Blasco HPF F 17 +41 44 63 32229 daniefla@stud.. FKP
Dr. Severian Gvasaliya HPF F 21 +41 44 63 39435 sgvasali@phys.. FKP
Danish Nabi HPF F 17 +41 44 63 32196 nabid@student.. FKP
Jakob Nagl HPF F 19 +41 44 63 34224 FKP
Dr. Dalmau Reig HPF F 19 +41 44 63 39135 dalmau.reig@g.. FKP
Viola Romerio HPF F 19 +41 44 63 32267 vromerio@stud.. FKP
Dr. Evan Smith HPF F 17 +41 44 63 32269 evansmithphys.. FKP
Dr. Zewu Yan HPF C 21 +41 44 63 32059 zewuyanz@phys.. FKP
Dr. Mengze Zhu HPF F 22 +41 44 63 39135 zhumen@phys.e.. FKP
Additional rooms
Labor HPF B 112.2 +41 44 63 36788
Gruppenraum HPF C 10
Labor HPF C 12 +41 44 63 33553
Labor HPF C 19 +41 44 63 32196
Labor HPF C 23 +41 44 63 33551
Labor HPF F 19 +41 44 63 32253
Labor HPF F 23 +41 44 63 32255
Labor HPF F 23 +41 44 63 32255
Phone numbers marked with * indicate a pager (PSA).