members of Kostenstelle 3833:

Title First name Last name
(click for details)
Room Phone
(bold: ETH-internal)
(click to send mail)
Institute Phone list
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Group Leader
Prof. Dr. Werner Wegscheider HPF E 3 / 5 / 7 +41 44 63 37740 werner.wegsch.. FKP
Sandra Lüdi HPF E 3 / 5 / 7 +41 44 63 32315 sandra.luedi@.. FKP
Dr. Tommaso Antonelli HPF E 18 +41 44 63 34048 tantonell@phy.. FKP
Miranda Davis HPF E 18 +41 44 63 32354 mdavis@phys.e.. FKP
Dr. Stefan Fält HPF E 15.2 +41 44 63 32849 FKP
Odiel Hooybergs HPF E 19 +41 44 63 32354 ohooybergs@ph.. FKP
Dr. Zijin Lei HPF E 18 +41 44 63 34048 FKP
Christian Marty HPF E 18 +41 44 63 39084 chmarty@phys... FKP
Dr. Christian Reichl HPF E 15.2 +41 44 63 39437 creichl@phys... FKP
Amina Solano HPF E 19 +41 44 63 33735 aminaso@phys... FKP
Sjoerd Telkamp HPF E 19 +41 44 63 34326 stelkamp@phys.. FKP
Odysseas Williams HPF E 19 +41 44 63 32354 owilliams@phy.. FKP
Technical staff
Marcel Sturzenegger HPF E 21 +41 44 63 32106 msturzen@phys.. FKP
Gian Van der Bie HPF E 21 +41 44 63 39072 FKP
Additional rooms
MBE Labor HPF B 12 +41 44 63 32297/32399/33017
Magnetlabor HPF B 13 +41 44 63 33501
Optiklabor HPF B 14/21 +41 44 63 33558
Chemielabor HPF B 9 +41 44 63 32288
Gruppenraum HPF E 20 +41 44 63 33556
Labor HPT G 17 +41 44 63 36324
Optiklabor HPT G 20 +41 44 63 36315
Phone numbers marked with * indicate a pager (PSA).